Sunday, June 8, 2014

Jewel-Osco...a delightful surprise

Jewel-Osco, as most of us know, is one of the primary grocery stores in the Chicago area.  Today I decided to look on their website to see what they offer online... since most store websites are designed to let you buy and look at products offered.  What was interesting is they really focus it on furthering your cooking/baking/drinking/whatever experiences... they even have a blog called What's Cookin.  They seem really involved in their site, updating it and trying to use it in ways to improve consumers experiences.  One of the tabs I found most interesting was the "Recipe Box."  It included things such as recipes, beer pairings, recipes based on seasons, and they even let you submit your own recipe! They have a little of something for everyone, it does not seem to just be geared towards females... which is how most popular "recipe" sites tend to be, at least in my experience.  They also really get the consumer involved, if they choose to.  Jewel-Osco also offers healthy eating tips, pharmacy details, and sale information on their website.  Overall, there website appears well designed and consumer friendly.  This really surprised me since they are a big chain grocery store, but they really make their website geared towards the consumer.  I look forward to looking for new recipes and tips for this summer!

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Traveling...made easy

In less than 3 months I will be studying in Limerick, Ireland! It is all becoming more real and kinda scary honestly.  I have never been out of the country or away from home for over 3 whole months, but with this being said I am extremely excited.  Before I can go, however, there are many things that must be done in preparation.  Something I have noticed while planning this trip is that the internet makes traveling a hell of a lot easier.  To book my flight I went online and checked out a few websites and ended up buying the plane ticket through the airline, but on their website.  It was all done online and it was quick, easy, and efficient; I was able to just take the time I needed in the privacy of my own home.  If you need to change anything with regards to the flight they make that easy too and then once it is booked they send you a confirmation email! So now whenever I need to check my flight information for the college's needs I just go to my email and find the information needed.  The internet made this a whole lot easier and I felt that it was a safe route to go.  I trusted the website that I bought the ticket from and so far they have had good follow-up... I don't want to say too much about it though because I'll have to see if it all works out. The internet also provides outlets to look up information about places in Ireland so I can see where I want to go and have trips planned out before I even get there. Oh the great things the internet can do.

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Mobile Devices...An Emerging Form of Advertising

While conducting research for my final project I came across an article that I just couldn't wait to talk about.  I have known about the effects of the internet on advertising, but never thought about how mobile devices particularly have a huge impact on advertising.  Marketers are afraid to spend too much of their money and resources into mobile advertising until they have concrete proof that it would be the route to take.  I believe that marketers need to emerge themselves into this newer way of advertising because it will just increase the sales of the products.  The usage of the Smartphone is increasing and is speculated to keep increasing (see picture below) as well as tablets.  Mobile advertising includes smartphones and tablets, when putting these two devices together the usage by far overrides the amount people use laptop/desktop computers.  When advertisers immersed themselves in online advertising the products sold (both online and offline) increased dramatically; there was a positive correlation between the two.  Marketers began advertising online due to the trend of society using the web for their everyday tasks.  Now that the trend has switched over to mobile devices, marketers must follow in these footsteps and begin spending more money in mobile advertising.  It is known that marketers follow consumer trends later because they do not want to rush into a new phase too quickly; they first want proof of the medium's effectiveness before making a dramatic change.

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Saying Goodbye...a Character's Farewell

I am a huge t.v. show fanatic, I mainly love comedies (like F.R.I.E.N.D.S.), dramas (like One Tree Hill), and crime related dramas (like Bones).  This past week t.v. fans said goodbye to one of there favorite television characters for the past decade, Christina Yang from Grey's Anatomy.  Personally, Grey's Anatomy is my favorite show because it can make me laugh, cry, and be in suspense; it provides a little bit of everything.

In the episode Fear (of the Unknown), Grey Sloan Memorial Hospital said goodbye to their beloved surgeon Christina Yang.  Yang was finally pursuing another job given to her by her ex-fiance, Preston Burke, in Switzerland where she will run her own surgical unit.  Meredith and Christina have been each others "person" throughout the shows entirety and Meredith finally had to send off her best friend.  As we watched their final scene it was as if all of the fans of the show were losing one of their best friends too.  The dialogue was perfect and the emotion, well as they danced it out it was as if the whole ten years of there friendship was wrapped up in two minutes.  (Watch the scene here) It was absolutely perfect.  Do you think that people can become so invested in a show/movie that they can feel what the characters are feeling and feel as if they are connected the characters in some way?  This really seemed to be the case when I was reading reviews on this particular episode because people have been so invested in the show for ten years.

Fans have grown with the show over the years and have grown with the friendship between Yang and Grey and now that Yang is gone many fans do not know if they will continue watching the show.  This tends to be the case in many shows, when one of the lead/supporting characters is no longer in the show, fans stop watching.  Can you think of why this would be?  People love watching the show for the show typically, not for one particular character.  Can one character really change the dynamic of a show that drastically?

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Cooking Online...Will it cause cookbooks to go extinct?

As Netflix is taking over DVDs are recipe websites/apps. taking over for buying a cookbook?  Today, the internet is used for so many things and as I have mentioned on my blog before, baking as one of them.  People go online to look for new recipes to try out and can even read reviews about the recipe first.  All of this is usually free! Sometimes people have to pay a few dollars for a cooking app, but that's nothing compared to buying a printed cookbook.  What is the point in even buying a cookbook these days?  Many people feel that it is just a waste of money, most things you can find in a cookbook, you can find online anyways.  Some people like having a printed copy and in a nicely bound book and some people like it because of the nostalgic memories... etc.  But are these reasons enough to continue wasting money on printing all these cookbooks?

 I think that eventually cookbooks will go practically extinct, there will still be some printed, but it will be rare.  People will have to go to thrift or antique shops to buy cookbooks, but at that point there won't be any new ones.  To look up new recipes people will have to go online, which seems to be the trend already.  Is this okay?  Personally, I don't have a problem with this.  Yes, I own cookbooks, but I never really use them anymore.  I tend to go online, find a recipe, print it out, and try it.  If I really like the recipe I'll put it in a small binder that I keep in my kitchen cabinet.  It's a compilation of all my favorite recipes and it only costed me about $3 (the price of the binder!)  I think this is a great solution for people that like recipes printed out.  I really do like cookbooks, but I just am starting to not see the use for them anymore.

Friday, May 16, 2014

Netflix...Has it found an efficient way to sort movies?

After today's in-class discussion I decided to check out my own Netflix account and see what the top categories actually were. Just scrolling through the first ten categories, six of them were based on what I watched.  They do this in three ways, "Top Picks for ...," "Because you watched...," and "More like...".  I didn't understand why they don't just have more basic categories like "Romance" and "Horror."  Personally, when I am picking out something to watch, I do it based on the "type" of movie/show I am in the mood for.  I think Netflix should focus on putting more of those categories as a priority.

 When looking further into each of these categories I found that sometimes the shows/movies they selected seemed to fit, but other times they did not.  One of the ones that surprised me the most were the shows it picked for "More like American Horror Story."  To give a little bit of background, American Horror Story is a very dark, mini horror series.  The top suggestions for me based on watching that were "Family Guy," "Futurama," "American Dad," and "Bob's Burgers.".  These are all animated shows that do not seem to parallel to American Horror Story...AT ALL.  I was shocked by this, why would Netflix suggest these shows to me based on a horror series, that by the way, is NOT animated.

 I decided to look up what other people thought or had to say about Netflix's rating system.  I found this article that described ways you can help Netflix choose better movies/shows for you.  Check it out! I think I'm going to try some of these and see if I can get any better suggestions, things that actually interest me.  This will help the "Top Pics for..." category, but it still does not explain why Netflix was so off on the suggestions based on American Horror Story.

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Watch this video... did it make you speechless?

I don't know if people have watched this video yet, but I came across it on Facebook the other day and highly suggest you watch it!  Many friends were posting it saying that it was a must watch video and I think that it correlates to the material we have been watching in class.  I especially like the part where he talks about how if we are always looking down at our phones we will miss all the little things around us.  I think this is so true and I am very guilty of this.  I am constantly attached to my phone, checking it for messages, email, Facebook, Snapchat, etc.  When you do this you miss all the little things that just happen, things that can be seen by simply just taking a walk, unattached to all devices.  I can't remember the last time I really just sat/walked outside and enjoyed the nature around me.  What did you guys think of this video? 

Cyber-Bullying...What Can Be Done?

I’m just going to start out by saying that I have never personally been bullied online or known of any friends that have.  I have no personal attachments to the subject and therefore my reaction to online bullying would probably be very different if I did.  I hope I do not offend anyone in what I write. 

Online bullying has become such a recent phenomena; you hear about it in the news all the time.  Society has been trying to take effective measures in order to limit the Cyber-Bullying; it has gone as far as some schools taking legal measures. I think that schools and parents trying to take such drastic measures towards online bullying is stupid.  I agree with Boyd, I don’t think that adults really understand enough details about the subject.  Strict punishment is not the solution; that, in my personal opinion, will just escalate matters.  Bullies often times are vulnerable individuals and conducting harsh matters against them, especially quickly, can lead them to act in irrational ways.  This would then make matters even worse for all parties involved.  These types of punishments just add to all of the drama. 

I think that online bullying should be taken care of through the individuals being bullied.  It is their responsibility to deal with the matter, seek out help if that is what they want.  Some teens do not want their parents to get involved because that just makes them embarrassed or makes them feel like their privacy is being invaded.  Schools should make students aware that there are people they can talk to about bullying situations, however, it is up to the student to decide if they want to talk to someone. Online bullying is a serious, delicate matter and if it is not dealt with appropriately could have detrimental consequences. 

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Baking Bites... A delicious treat

Nicole Weston primarily writes the blog Baking Bites an informative, creative, fun blog about baking!  One of my favorite things to do on the internet in my free time is look for new recipes.  I just came across Baking Bites and had to blog about it... It's awesome.  Check it out! I can't wait to try this new recipe in the summer

Monday, April 28, 2014

Cybervetting...Is it really wrong?

"Cybervetting," using information found on the internet to determine if someone is a viable candidate for a position, has become increasingly popular.  Many people, like Andrews, think that this is not right and even in a sense "unconsitutional."  Andrews proposes the idea of adopting a Social Network Constitution that would protect our online rights.  She strongly believes that social networks are private spaces, a space where people can post what they want, not feeling prohibited.  I understand where Andrews is coming from, but I strongly disagree with her.  Social networks are clearly not private, if you are putting something on an online space then you know that other people can potentially access it.  When you become part of a social networking site you need to take responsibility for what you post.  If you do not want something to affect possible jobs/schooling then do not post things online that are inappropriate.  If you feel a strong urge to post something that could be used against you, do it smart.  You can create more anonymous profiles that won't come back and bite you in the ass.  I do believe, however, that companies being able to pay for private profile information should never be allowed.  If you are posting something on a private setting you should not have to worry about people accessing it that aren't really allowed.  This is something that I view as uncostitutional, but otherwise if you post things online companies have every right to use it to evaluate a possible employer.  So be aware of what you are posting!

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

More Does Not Mean Better...A Baker's View on Online Recipes

For Easter we went to my aunt's house to eat delicious food, celebrate the holiday, and see the little kids running around all excited about what the Easter Bunny brought them.  There were so many delicious desserts; afterword’s I felt so lethargic, like was it Thanksgiving all over again?  It was funny though because my cousin warned us NOT to eat the cupcakes she brought.  Her daughter was so excited because she helped make them and was making everyone try them, telling her mom that people said they were good. I did not try one, apparently they were god awful. 

My cousin said that she found a new recipe on Pinterest and was like "why not try it out?"  Well as I think everyone who bakes can agree, not every recipe we find online is necessarily a good one.  Sites, like Pinterest, make it so easy for us to find new recipes for pretty much anything.  They show a picture of what it should look like and it always looks AMAZING.  What I have come to learn, more does not mean better.  Online offers us so many more recipes than what a cookbook would, but you have to weed through to know which ones are reliable.
I love getting recipes online.  I love the variety and accessibility, oh and the fact that the recipes are FREE!  However, you do need to pick carefully when choosing a recipe and it can often take up a lot of your time looking through recipes.  I know I have spent hours just looking at different cookie recipes online.  The aspect I love about recipes online is that you can read reviews from other people who have tried out the recipe for themselves.  This is not something that is in your everyday cookbook.  People not only tell you what recipes work and don't, but sometimes people will tell you great suggestions to alter the recipe and make it even better!  Overall, I think that online has made baking that much greater, but be careful when choosing what to bake! 

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Google...Why not be addicted?

I'm just going to come right out and say it, I love Google. I remember when I was in middle school and if I didn't know what a word meant my mom would tell me to "look it up in the dictionary," but what a pain in the ass that was. Now whenever I need to know anything from definitions to directions I just pull out my phone and "google it."  Yes, Google has become so popular that it is often referred to as a verb.  

Does this mean that google has too much power over our lives?  I think for some of us, yes.  We can no longer imagine a time before Google, it is too scary to imagine that everything would no longer be literally at our fingertips.  The generations after us do not even know of such a time because they are growing up in a world where they can Google everything. We have to remember, however, that not everybody has a computer, tablet, or smartphone and thus does not use Google or Google affiliated products.  Google does not have power over everyones lives, just the majority.  I personally do not care that Google has as much power as it does because it makes my life much easier and even more enjoyable.  

In my free time I like to go on YouTube and watch videos, movie trailers, or even listen to a popular song.  Speaking for myself, I am addicted to Google.  I use Google Chrome as my web browser, I speak with my friends abroad through Google+, I work on projects with classmates using Google Docs, communicate with people using gmail, watch videos over YouTube, and I use Google as my search engine.  It has made every aspect of my life easier.  There is never a time when I am on my laptop and don't have Google open in a tab, you never know when a question might pop in your head. Seeing people around me, I know that I am not alone.  Just sitting in the library at work I look and see that the librarian next to me is looking up information using Google.  It's everywhere, it's accessible, why not be addicted? 

Some critics would greatly disagree and say that being addicted to Google is a major problem. Their main reasons being that google endangers our privacy and independence, however, I, for one, just do not think that matters.  Yes, Google takes away some of our privacy, for example it knows what we search for.  We let Google take away our privacy though, if we were so worried about it we wouldn't be using Google in the first place, and some people don't because they are afraid of it.  Many ways that Google takes away our privacy, however, it is just trying to advance technology and information. Also, it helps narrow our searches even more by remembering what you've searched, who you've talked to, and where you've traveled in the past.  Everything Google allows us to do makes our busy lives, just a little bit easier.

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Blog to Remember

The interview that caught my attention was Megan Reardon's, known from her blog Not Martha.  As a crafty person myself, I was immediately drawn to her interview and ended up viewing her blog.  She is really into baking which is something that I can really relate to.  When viewing her blog there were many posts that dealt with food and traveling which are two things I love! 

What I like about Reardon is that she is so down to earth and blogs for herself.  She did not create the blog thinking that it would become as popular as it has.  When asked why she thought her site was popular she responded "I cannot be certain, a clever name and longevity perhaps. (Is the site popular? I'm a little uncomfortable saying that since I don't really know if it is, I don't have any perspective on that.)"  She seems thrown off and does not want to assume that she is a known blogger. However, she does like the feedback she gets from people and how blogging has helped her talk to people she would never have met otherwise.  These are things that have motivated her to continue.

 I believe that blogging is typically something personal and I like that Reardon felt the same way.  She said that the reason she began blogging was so that she could write things down.  She was tired of cluttering her house with all the information and did not want to forget things.  I found it intriguing that she did not just open up a word document and write things down for herself.  She began a public blog so that others could she what she was writing.  Looking at Reardon's blog and reading about her interview definitely got me more excited to write on my own blog!